The Committee of Strathendrick Golf Club would like to pass on a sincere thanks to all teams who participated in the Joe Allan Texas Scramble at Strathendrick Golf Club on Sunday 11 October. A special thanks to our sponsors, Glengoyne Distillery, James D Bilsland Fuel Distributor, Lomond Logs, Lomond View Stores and Garage, Paul Gallagher Glazing and Stirling & Gilmour. Thanks also to the teams and members who provided raffle prizes and helped contribute to a hugely successful raffle. We hope that you all enjoyed your day despite the additional imposition of Covid guidelines, and thank you for adhering to them. Thanks to the sterling efforts of our greenkeeper Gavin Rutherford and his assistant Arthur Bayfield the course was in excellent condition which many of you commented on. Thanks also to the ladies in the kitchen including Janet, Caitlin, Liz, Florence, Christine and Margaret for their sterling efforts throughout a long day.
The winning team with a magnificent net 49.7 was David Gordon’s “dream team” from The Carrick including Alec Haggerty, John Gilmour and Martyn Jones. Second with a net 52.4 was Raymond Ainslie’s team from Balfron including Grant McPherson, Colin Ferguson and Hamish Louttit. Third with a net score of 54.2 was Hugh Cameron from Strathendrick with Neil Cameron (Cardross) Terry Rowles (Buchanan Castle) and Billy Clark (Dumbarton). Ladies nearest the pin at the 8/17 was Karen McColl from Balfron. Gents nearest the pin at the 9/18 was David Gordon from The Carrick. Joe MacLaren’s Balfron team won the Magic 2s If any of the teams who I have not sent a team photo to would like one, please email me a mobile number and I will send a picture via WhatsApp. Comments are closed.
April 2024